Sigma Global Strategy Report 2022

Sigma Global Strategy Report 2022

We are happy to share with you the Global Strategy Report 2022 of our partnering company in asset management - Sigma Global Management. This report differs in format from the company's usual monthly kind, as it provides a detailed account of its strategy achievements since 2020 and for the entire year 2022, giving an overview of the most profitable long and short positions, as well as an insight into promising companies to consider for investment in 2023.

In the report, it has been articulated how paring short positions in technology and consumer non-cyclical sectors with long positions in the financials and healthcare sector has allowed Sigma to maintain a perfect market-neutral balance wounding up 2022 above the US benchmark stock market indexes.

Despite the pervasive volatility and decline in the markets, the return on the company's strategy outperformed the results of the globally developed stock markets. Sigma Global Management is proud to say that it has stuck to its commitment and fulfilled its prime task to reduce volatility and preserve investor capital in a crisis.

You are welcome to view and familiarize yourself with the results of Sigma's Long-Short volatility-based strategy by following the link to the report below.

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